About POV | POV by OpenX
Elevate your marketing with a strong POV. Dig into the latest marketing research and insights with expert interviews, guides, reports, infographics and articles.

About POV

Marketing today can be tricky. Technology is fast-changing. Platforms are multiplying. And data is so big that extracting true, timely insights is a bigger challenge than ever before.

To bring you some perspective, we’ve curated a selection of expert business and marketing minds to share their knowledge on the most complex and contested topics in digital advertising. That quarterly collection of insights is POV.

POV tells stories that help you learn meaningful ways to connect with your customers, and we do so in different formats from podcasts to white papers and everything in between. You’ll find viewpoints on data and identity, audience segmentation, creative development, post-cookie optimization, and other subjects that are top of mind to the industry.

What you won’t find is a dumping ground for articles. What you won’t find are stock images that bore you to death. What you won’t find are tired marketing tropes or one-size-fits all answers. POV by OpenX is a learning tool — not a sales one.

Our hope is to keep you informed and inspired, so you can push your marketing even further with a strong POV.

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